Why Become ISO 9001 Certified

ISO 9001 is the most used quality management system (QMS) in the world, with certifications issued in 178 countries. It sets a recognized and standardized framework for organization management to ensure that customer and stakeholder satisfaction is maximized. The techniques and benchmarks that ISO 9001 requires ensures quality at every step with internal mechanisms for managing risk, assessing challenges, and correcting inefficiencies. If you’ve been considering ISO 9001 certification for your business but haven’t made the leap, here are some of the top reasons to pursue this QMS. 

Your clients and competitors are probably using it. 

ISO 9001 certification has global acceptance and is widely used. There are more than one million certified companies across the globe, and certifications grew 3.5% in 2020 alone. If you serve B2B clients, there is a good chance that those organizations may be certified, and there is an even better chance that your competitors are using ISO 9001 standards to maintain a high level of quality control. Some clients may even require a company be ISO 9001 certified before working with them. Can you afford to wait any longer?

Certification improves your decision-making process.

When your business is facing a major decision, how do you know that you’re making the right choice? Your experience can guide you in the right direction, but if you don’t have all of the right information to inform your choice, you could easily make a misstep. Following ISO 9001 standards, you will be guided to make evidence-based decisions, which will lead to the best possible outcomes for all your stakeholders.

ISO 9001 certification puts the customer first. 

Certification in ISO 9001 standards centers the customer in every process and decision. This approach helps companies focus on the needs of their clients, from product quality to customer service, so that satisfaction remains high. As a result, you’ll see more business, nurture your existing customer relationships, and improve your bottom line. 

Becoming ISO 9001 certified may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. At Trident Quality Management Solutions, we’ve helped companies nationwide plan for and achieve ISO 9001 certification, with support services tailored to their specific needs. For more information about implementation or a free assessment, call (520) 314-4344.

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Trident QMS